work data set

英 [wɜːk ˈdeɪtə set] 美 [wɜːrk ˈdeɪtə set]

网络  工作数据集



  1. In the Data Set Name field, type a name for the data set, such as Work Items.
  2. Thus, the ITERATION_ITEMID should be configured as a parameter for Iteration, with the parameter value sourced from report parameters or the Top Work Items data set.
  3. To make the editors work, the iWidget should declare the data types of the items in the item set.
  4. To get the sub work items, we need another data set named Inner Work Items.
  5. To calculate a work item's status, we need to create an Iteration data set.
  6. From the Data Explorer view, drag the work items data set to the data cell in the new column.
  7. In SQL terms, this merge calls for an outer join, which matches each row in the work items data set to the single row in the states data set with a matching state ID.
  8. You could join the enumerations data set to the work items data set, but that might be unwieldy if the work items data set is also joined to another data set.
  9. Drag the parent work items data set to the report, and add an extra column in which to show the child work items.
  10. The work items data set still shows all of the work items that are associated with each user, regardless of the team area of the work item.
  11. Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme, so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies. A simple data dictionary can be set up increasingly popular.
  12. Restoration of Landfills Implementation Programme scheduler work area data set
  13. Scheduler work area data set
  14. The research work is represented as follows. 1. Projection Pursuit is applied to explore the potential structures and characters of the multi-dimension data through projecting the high dimensional data set into a low dimensional data space while retaining the information of interest.
  15. But the PAM can work well with large data set. To solve the problem, this paper shows an Approximated Linear Clustering Method ( ALCM), and proves that the complexity of the new algorithm is O ( n), where n is the number of data set.
  16. The main work is listed as below: ( 1) Research on exploiting and implementing data parallelization of dynamic programming and based on SIMD instruction set.
  17. The text is under this environment, taking some national defense engineering as to practice the work background, to integration type the data platform set up, the data integration in the platform etc. the problem carried on a research.
  18. In the deep sea, the test and control system for mine elevating is to test and control kinds of work data of the rigid tube and the mid-transfering barn and to coordinate each performing set.
  19. Three sets of A/ D channels work in parallel, and an automatic channel switching and an automatic data output logic are set up DMA data transfer mode are used to transfer data in the system.
  20. The main work and conclusions are as follows: ( 1) An experimental system consisting of raising, control, ignition, testing and data acquisition system was set up.
  21. This paper has done the following work around this field: 1. The structure of digital video is complicated and different from traditional data based on characters. It is essential for video retrieval to set up a rational video data structure model.
  22. The key points of work warehouse are expatiated. In order to get the data set immediately and reduce the operation of I/ O to data server, most of data set which are used frequently are disposed using the technology of data cache.
  23. Parallel program executed on many data elements has two characteristics. First, most of the parallel work focuses on performing operations on a data set. The data set is typically organized into a common structure.
  24. After data preprocessing and included work completed, each record need a scientific data coding as identifier by set a unique serial number.
  25. The test results show that the above two methods work the same. But from the current test data set, the former has better performance than the latter.
  26. As a large amount of data is produced in the clinical work, in the United States and other Western countries, relevant departments collected information data at different levels for different purposes and made reservation plans and set up corresponding computer database management system.
  27. Engles once said, "the philosophy of each age, as a particular realm of work dividing is all preconditioned on some given thought data, inheriting from its harbinger, from which it set out to be used as the premise".
  28. Again through massive reading related fundamental researches and so on research work, article, statistical data as well as network, summarizes a set to have the pointed feasible design method.